Hi guys!So I know it's been a long time but lately I haven't had much time to blog, especially in the half term.Sometime in May, I had my 1st grade guitar exam! It was very exciting because me and my friend had to leave school 45 minuets early! Anyway,once we arrived at St Edmund's school,I took the exam first (like last year) and I made a few mistakes.For example: when the examiner gave me the sheet of paper with random musical notes on it, I only read half of it and the rest I took such a long time with so the examiner stopped me...oops. PGL PGL is a trip that year 6 and year 5 travel to this activity camp and go there for a week without our parents. We do lots of exciting things there like shooting,going onto a zip wire,a GIANT swing and lots of other activities. Year 5,my class ( year 6) and I will be leaving next week.We will also be sleeping in separate rooms of 2 to 10 I think. Anyway, I have got 2 of my best friends to sit next to on the coach,there and back...
all I can think of...