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Summer Holidays

My summer holidays were AMAZING! As you should all know from my last post, I went to Poland. Now, we didn't just go  to Poland, instead we  drove  to Poland which is probably not the first way of transport that you think of when I say 'I went somewhere'  but I've got to be honest, it was quite fun. We stopped to grab snacks in different countries, we could listen to the different radios (even though we couldn't understand a single word they said, it was fun and interesting) but trying to get to sleep was so  hard! It was so difficult to find a position that was actually comfortable.  Once we finally arrived, we settled in to the house and unpacked. In Poland, we mainly just visited my family and on some days we went to places like Malbork to visit the largest castle in the world. One day we went to a swimming pool that had a big twisted slide and at the end it said how long it took you to slide down (my best was 18 seconds) and my uncle beat the record of the t
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Hello everyone! OK I know that I haven't posted in a while (again) but I just started year 8 and I have been really occupied with homework and my dance. I also have an excuse for the summer holidays: my grandma came around for 2 weeks and then straight after she left we went with her all the way to Poland for another 2 weeks and then when we arrived back home, school started the next day. So I was extremely busy. Anyways... the whole point of me posting an update is to update you, so here are the updates: my guinea pigs (Molly,Pixie and Lola) are now 2 years old! I took my Standered 4 Ballet exam on the last day of school and passed with my first Distinction! So I am now doing GRADE  5 Ballet for 2 hours a week. I am still doing grade 1 guitar but I am working towards my grade 2 exam. For now that's all I have to update you with. I am so sorry that it's been so long since my last post but, as you know, I have been really busy. My aim is to post WAY  more frequently from no

2016 Leavers

So, as many of you surely know, it's the end of a school year and I have just finished primary school. Yes, i'm actually moving on to secondary school! Primary has just been the best experience for me! All the new friends and teachers that I have met throughout the past 7 years have just been amazing at helping me and guiding me through tough times or explaining new facts to me that I never would have known so well if it wasn't for these extraordinary people. From Mrs Peake in reception to Mr Peters in year 6. They have done an outstanding job at teaching me, thank you. And my friends and family. Where would I be without them. They are constantly helping and supporting me. My friends cheer me up at school when i'm feeling blue, my family support me in everything I do and the teachers have taught me like they were supposed to. I am saying a great big thank you to all of those people. : - )   


Hi guys!So I know it's been a long time but lately I haven't had much time to blog, especially in the half term.Sometime in May, I had my 1st grade guitar exam! It was very exciting because me and my friend had to leave school 45 minuets early! Anyway,once we arrived at St Edmund's school,I took the exam first (like last year) and I made a few mistakes.For example: when the examiner gave me the sheet of paper with random musical notes on it, I only read half of it and the rest I took such a long time with so the examiner stopped me...oops. PGL PGL is a trip that year 6 and year 5 travel to this activity camp and go there for a week without our parents. We do lots of exciting things there like shooting,going onto a zip wire,a GIANT swing and lots of other activities. Year 5,my class ( year 6) and I will  be leaving next week.We will also be sleeping in separate rooms of 2 to 10 I think. Anyway, I have got 2 of my best friends to sit next to on the coach,there and back


Molly Molly is my new guinea pig and I got about a couple months ago (last year around the end of November) but I just forgot to tell you about her.She is 4 months old and younger than Pixie.Most of her body is black. Most of her belly is  white    and she  also has some white    on her face ( the rest of her face is black  ).Molly also has a big patch of  ginger  on her hip.


Hi again! I'm so sorry for not posting anything over the past few months but I have been extremely busy.I moved up to year 6 in September and have been focusing really hard on my homework so that I am prepared for SATS tests.I also have a guitar exam coming up soon and don't want to fail. Anyway, I would like to talk to you about my Christmas.It was 24 December 2015,I woke up with excitement.I stepped down the ladder from my cabin bed and greeted the guinea pigs with a good morning.I got dressed,had breakfast then brushed my teeth. Unfortunately,we were leaving at 5 o clock in the afternoon,so that meant that I had to wait a couple hours.After waiting a long long time,it was finally 5 o clock.We drove to my dad's friend's house for dinner.I only ate a couple pieces of bread because I didn't like the fish or anything that was on the table. After dinner, it was finally time to unwrap the  presents!On Christmas I got an Xbox one, a bracelet making set,some warm


So,I know that I've not been updating my blog but, I do have some good news. 1. I have guinea pigs!The younger one is Pixie who is 3 months old and the older one is Lola who is 5 months old.They are very cute and cuddly and they also keep me company for I don't have any brothers or sisters. 2.I have finished Rogue Wave from the Waterfire saga which I doubt that you will know.But I have finished that book and the first book, Deep Blue,and now I am reading Dark Tide which I think is the last book of the saga. 3.I have earrings!On my birthday sleepover, I got my ears pierced! It was very exiting and it hurt a little but it ended really well.I have been trying to buy earrings on my holidays so that I can wear them and they will bring back memories.Right now, I have these heart-shaped earrings which are blue and sparkly and I love them.The earrings also remind me of that time when we had to run to catch the bus for the cinema to see Ant-man (It is soooo good) but when we were wal